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Minimal Mistakes is a flexible two-column Jekyll theme.
A flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for personal sites, blogs, and portfolios hosted on GitHub or your own server. Latest release v3.4.8
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet salami ham hock ham, hamburger corned beef short ribs kielbasa biltong t-bone drumstick tri-tip tail sirloin pork chop.
Hiring great software developers is always challenging, but the stakes are even higher when building small, versatile teams. Recently, I conducted a series o...
Setting the Scene: Choosing GitHub Issues for Internal Helpdesk Needs.
When you are using a GitHub hosted runner to build your project, you can apply caching to speed up the build process. This is especially useful when you are ...
Introduction In the modern SaaS landscape, flexibility is key. One commonly sought-after feature in Helpdesk and similar software is the ability to send emai...
In the world of networked applications, call failures are a common occurrence due to the inherent unreliability of networks. When working with the Azure Cost...
Managing Azure subscriptions can be a delicate task, especially when dealing with various tools and applications that require context-specific information. I...
The Azure Cost CLI is a command-line dotnet tool created to facilitate interaction with Azure’s cloud costs. While the development of the tool was a technica...
In a recent conversation with a senior colleague, I jokingly referred to myself not as a full stack developer, but as a “full circle developer”. While it sta...
For an application I m building, I store attachments on Azure in blob storage. This service is a relatively cheap and scalable solution for files that need t...
When working with Github Actions, it’s important to be able to output data in a graphical way easily. One way to do this is to use MermaidJS, a JavaScript-ba...
Are you looking for ways to optimize your Azure costs and manage your cloud spending more effectively? Azure offers a range of tools and strategies to help y...
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to adopt remote work practices, but most of them are still at Level 2 in the Distributed Work’s Five Levels o...
Maintaining backward compatibility is crucial when developing APIs. As APIs evolve, changes may be necessary to introduce new functionality or improve perfor...
I recently saw a blog post on how to debug Azure Functions which run on something like a timer trigger. As you must wait for the timer to kick off, it is har...
Returning a collection of data in a REST API can take various forms, but there are some standards and specifications that help you to take the most out of it...
Monitoring your API Management operations is important. It gives you insight in the usage, the load and performance. But also helps you troubleshoot issues a...
Are you working with Azure Api Management in your organization? Do you let your feature teams deploy APIs from their pipelines? If so, how do you make sure t...
Did you ever hear about the QUERY HTTP verb in your REST API? You might know the GET and POST, but when to use the newly proposed QUERY method? First; why ar...
GitHub has a new nice feature to create job summaries for your actions. It allows you to generate markdown from your workflow that is rendered in the GitHub ...
A correlation Id is a great way to track requests over multiple boundaries and aids in troubleshooting. When you get an identifier from another party, it can...
In a previous blog post I showed how to roll out a definition for an API management operation using Bicep. Recently I added functionality for rate limiting s...
Application Insights is not only an excellent tool to see what your application is doing, but it also shows you how your dependencies are behaving. There is ...
Using API Management in front of your application has many benefits; one is using rate limiting. Rate limiting is a way to limit the number of requests that ...
Documentation as code is something I blogged about before. In that specific case, it was about converting Mermaid diagrams to images so you could browse the ...
When you work with GitHub, you most likely use GitHub Actions as well. A great way to execute all kinds of tasks, like interacting with Git, performing a bui...
Writing documentation is a burden in a lot of software projects. Besides the fact that it is often done afterward and gets outdated soon, it is not directly ...
While developing code, you apply the best practices, like working from a short-lived feature branch and performing a pull request to the main branch when you...
In 2017, I already blogged about sending a release annotation to Application Insights. This graphical indication gives an excellent overview of when new rele...
In a previous post, I described how to create a SharedKey which could be used to drop data directly into a storage account queue from API management. Althoug...
Connecting to an HTTP API is tricky enough, let alone handling the authentication to it. Many modern APIs allow you to provide an authentication key in the h...
When you want to connect to an Azure service, you want to use a secure way for the authentication. One of the best techniques is to use a managed identity. Y...
In a recent project, I need an Azure Function hosted inside a subnet. To have vnet support, I need to use a premium plan, and I wanted to use Linux hosting a...
As it is good practice to monitor your system, I also wanted this to include the API Management side. It is allowing me to see the failed request in more det...
I needed to roll out individual operations via infrastructure as code principles for API management in Azure using Bicep in a recent project.
When you want to accept data, queue it up and process it at a later stage, you might want to use a simple way to push data to the queue without building a ba...
True DevOps means you build it, you run it. You are responsible for the whole stack, including production. And when it comes to production, you have of cours...
It is essential to have an overview of what your software is doing, not only to troubleshoot issues but also to see how data flows through your system and ho...
For the last three years, Xpirit and Solidify organize the Global DevOps Bootcamp, an online event that teaches people about the DevOps practices using Micro...
There are various ways to connect to a Kubernetes cluster, but for a recent event (GDBC) I needed to connect to an Azure Kubernetes Cluster using an API call...
I recently received my Scribit, a wall drawing robot, that I backed using Kickstarter. You can read more about the device at the Kickstarter website or direc...
Microsoft added a nice feature in dotnet core 2.1 that allows you to register HttpClient instances in a central place and inject them using Dependency Inject...
SonarQube is an excellent static code analyzer tool as it has many different analyzers and provides useful suggestions for any potential bugs and issues. As ...
In a recent project, we use Infrastructure as Code to roll out resources to Azure. For this, we use ARM templates, and part of this template is the deploymen...
Creating an HTTP API can be done in multiple ways, but if you are a .NET developer, you most likely will use the ASP.NET Web API framework. In previous versi...
When you are using an Incident Management alerting tool like Pagerduty or VictorOps, it might be beneficial to notice when your deployment system is performi...
When you are building an HTTP API, you need to make sure your endpoints have a canonical URI structure. You can describe a canonical URL as your preferred en...
In a recent project, we use Kubernetes to host our workloads. The cluster and agents are running in Azure and we used to have this set up as virtual machines...
On the 16th of June, Xpirit organized the Global DevOps Bootcamp. An event that took place all over the world as multiple venues (75) in all kind of countrie...
In a recent project, we needed to run RabbitMQ as a replacement for our Azure service bus. The Azure SB works fine, but when we wanted to create a local end ...
When you are using a docker-compose yaml file, you basically describe how your containers need to run and interact with each other. Part of this are the port...
Runscope is a great online tool to validate and test API endpoints. For a recent project, we are using it to mimic traffic from an external system that is su...
Entity Framework allows you to use a code first approach in creating your database design. Basically, you create your classes, maybe add some annotations and...
Application Insights provides an enormous amount of information about your application, infrastructure, users etc. It can be difficult to see if a recent cha...
You might have seen it with GitHub; when you do a pull request there will most likely be a build being kicked off and that influences the state of the pull r...
It is important to know if your nicely created application is still working correctly, but you do not want to keep refreshing your browser and seeing if that...
When you practice the scrum process, then one of the artifacts is planning poker. It is a method to gather estimates for the stories and with teams new to sc...
The new Azure CLI version 2 is pretty easy to use when you want to manage your Azure resources. Even if you want to use it from the VSTS build/release agent,...
In Azure, you pay for what you use. And when we talk about virtual machines, this means that you pay for the compute, network and storage. This is charged by...
The complexity of picking a good password and what you can do as a developer
There are a lot of resources on how to setup Kubernetes on Azure, but they require some prerequisites, so I wanted to make a step by step guide here.