Use Bicep to add rate limit representation to an API Management operation

1 minute read

In a previous blog post I showed how to roll out a definition for an API management operation using Bicep. Recently I added functionality for rate limiting so it makes sense to add that to the API definition as well.

By default, Azure API Management returns a 429 (Too Many Requests) response when the rate limit is exceeded. It also includes a header with the number of seconds the client should wait before retrying. We can include this in the definition by adding a 429 status code response as shown below.

var operationName = '${}/posttransaction'

resource apimanagementapioperationposttransaction 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations@2020-06-01-preview' = {
  name: operationName
  properties: {
    description: 'Post method for sending a payment transaction.'
    displayName: 'Post a payment transaction.'
    method: 'POST' 
    urlTemplate: '/transactions'
    request: {
      description: 'Transaction to be processed'     
      representations: [
          contentType: 'application/json'
          sample: '''
          { "amount": 100 }
          typeName: 'Transaction'
          schemaId: 'transaction'
    responses: [
        statusCode: 202
        description: 'Transaction is accepted for validation and processing.'
        statusCode: 403
        description: 'Unauthorized call.'
        statusCode: 429
        description: 'Too many requests.'
            contentType: 'application/json'
            sample: '''
              "statusCode": 429,
              "message": "Rate limit is exceeded. Try again in 55 seconds."
            typeName: 'RateLimit'
            schemaId: 'transaction'
        headers: [
            name: 'Retry-After'
            description: 'Time in seconds to wait before retrying the request.'
            type: 'integer'

We also need to extend the schema to include a RateLimit type.

resource transactionSchema 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/schemas@2019-01-01' = {
  name: '${}/transaction'
  properties: {
    contentType: 'application/vnd.oai.openapi.components+json'
    document: {
      components: {
        schemas: {
          Transaction: {
            type: 'object'
            required: [
            properties: {
              id: {
                type: 'string'
                description: 'Internal transaction id'
                readOnly: true
              amount: {
                description: 'The amount that will be transferred'
                type: 'number'
                format: 'currency'
              currency: {
                type: 'string'
                description: 'The currency used in this transaction (ISO 4217 3-letter currency code)'
                externalDocs: {
                  description: 'ISO 4217 currency codes'
                  url: ''
          Error: {
            required: [
            type: 'object'
            properties: {
              code: {
                type: 'integer'
                format: 'int32'
              message: {
                type: 'string'
          RateLimit: {
            type: 'object'
            properties: {
              statusCode: {
                type: 'integer'
                format: 'int32'
              message: {
                type: 'string'

In the Developer Portal we can see that the schema is now available on the operation.

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